当前位置:首页 > 上海跃进医疗器械有限公司恒温恒湿箱的创新设计


[导读]介绍了新型上海跃进医疗器械有限公司恒温恒湿箱的制冷和控制系统的设计方法。现有 的恒温恒湿箱为取得低温恒温效果.在 制冷系统全速全功率运行下,依靠调整加热量来平衡温度的稳定

介绍了新型恒温恒湿箱的制冷和控制系统的设计方法。现有 的恒温恒湿箱为取得低温恒温效果.在 制冷系统全速全功率运行下,依靠调整加热量来平衡温度的稳定,这样能耗多又不便于控制.针对 这一缺点,本设备 中采用半导体制冷器来实现空气的制冷、加热、除湿。通过改变输入半导体制冷 器的电量 ,来实现对制冷量的精确控制;通过对湿球温度 的通断调节实现对湿度的控制。

This article introduced the design of the refrigeration system and the control system of novel constant temperature and humidity boxes.In order tO get low temperature and constant temperature normal constant temperature and humidity boxes depend on adjusting heat- ing capacity to b~ance the stabilization of the temperature in the capacity operation of refrigeration system.It needs more energy and is hard tO contro1.The novel constant temperature and humidity boxes achieve refrigeration,heating and dehumidification by using semiconductor coolers,by changing the quantifies of electricity inpu~ed in the semiconductor coolers to control the refrigeration capacity,by adjusting web bulb temperature tO control the humi dity.
